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Idustrial Design Services Idustrial Design Services Idustrial Design Services


The clients we saw over the years range from American, European and Japanese multinationals with products that included point of sales, handhelds, industrial equipments , medical and consumer products etc.
There are 4 key elements of design considerations in each design process namely:

First: Trends , Culture & Aesthetics.
Second: Ergonomics and user interface.
Third: Ingress protection and ruggedness.
Fourth: Cost management.

First: This looks into the behaviour, habitual and the market trends aspects.Fusing all these elements to achieve that desired aesthetics.
Second: People in different regions have various body form factor that requires careful attention to product sizes, shapes that improves the ease of handling for the user.
Third: This looks at what degree the product is able to withstand interms of water, dust ,drop test, vibration and etc. This gives an idea of how rugged and reliable the product can be.
Fourth: Cost is one of the challenging aspects in a project and by careful planning and considerations in the design stage it can bring about a reasonable amount of cost savings.

Design for Manufacturing

We strive to make our designs easy to manufacture so that tooling cost can be kept efficient and affordable. Reducing possible downstream technical issues that contributes to better returns.

© 2016 by RUMENN.